Hey there! I am Srishti, currently working as a Senior Developer Advocate at the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization behind Wikipedia. I support the organization's efforts to engage volunteer developers in Wikimedia software projects and to grow the technical community. Here is what I am upto at Wikimedia.
I am the co-founder of a 1 year old, educational non-profit, Unstructured Studio, that designs learning tools & experiences to foster creativity among youth. I graduated with Masters degree in Media Arts and Sciences from the Lifelong Kindergarten research group at the MIT Media Lab. While at the Lab, I helped develop Unhangout, a platform for running large-scale unconferences online. At Unstructured Studio, I am building on my research and other researchers' work.
Outside of work, I like to spend time with friends and family, go on solo or group hikes, hunt for the best chai serving restaurants around, and drive around in the suburbs.
Cities I've lived in: Bikaner (22.5 years) > Bangalore (2 years) > Boston (3.3 years). Now in the Bay Area (since 7 months).
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